Friday, October 7, 2011

A Little Knitting Idea and a Few Hints

Isn't there an expression that need is the mother of invention? Not that my idea is so grand as an invention but need (or desire) certainly spawned it.

I love the T shirts by Sabaku. They are truly artwork and lovely. I have more than several. The last few I bought were cropped T shirts. I wore them but I was never comfortable with how short they are. The idea of adding a knitted edge just popped into my mind. This is the second one I have done and by far the most successful. I have received numerous compliments on it so thought I would pass along the idea.


The edging is called Cockleshell from The Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara Walker. I added a faggot stitch to the straight edge. The yarn is a handpainted silk yarn by Robin Pascal. I chose it more for the colors but it does have a wondeful drape. It is sewn on using sewing thread in a whip stitch on the very edge of the shirt.

If you decide to do something similar here are my hints. (1) Pick an edging like this one that is worked to the length - not one that you have to start with the length. That way you can start sewing the edging on the shirt and add to the knitting as needed. (2) Work in two pieces and leave the sides open. This drapes better and is easier then putting the edging all the way around and sewing or grafting the beginning to the end. (3) Choose a yarn that is compatible with the way you wash the T-shirt, that is, cotton, rayon, silk. bamboo since the T-shirt is cotton. You could probably use a silk/wool blend. I have been washing mine on the delicate cycle and drying it on gentle in the dryer.

We would love to see pictures of your edgings and how you use them. Also all ideas and hints are welcome too

Have fun.

Yarn Storming

Yarn bombing/storming/grafitti is a world wide phenonmenon. There have been various articles and even books written about the subject. A group of Kiwi customers have organized to beautify Tucson with the pictured bike now on display at Kiwi. Eventually you may see it around town. A Big Thanks to The Ordinary Bike Shop for donating the bicycle! (The Ordinary Bike Shop is on 7th St. one block west of 4th Avenue.) You can join in the fun by coming by Kiwi and signing up for a part to decorate. We have yarn available or pick something you would love to get rid of from your stash!

Lynn Davis
Kiwi Knitting Company. LCC
2540 E. 6th Street
Tucson, Arizona 85716

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