Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A New Beginning

We're Back...Well, Kiwi Knits Blog is back. I'm Jill and I am new to the blog. Lynda was really great at this but she is now a full time student at the University of Arizona. I cannot replace her but will do my best to make this interactive and informative.
Fall is a good time for a beginning. Fall was when I learned to knit. I was 12 years old and I signed up for an elective afternoon knitting class. Knitting seemed very easy until I made my first mistake—a ridge across a field of ribbing. My neighbor helped me out in more ways than one. On my way to her house I dropped the ball of yarn I had tucked under my arm. It unrolled in the snow all the way from my front door to hers. She helped me gather up the yarn and dry it and fix the mistake all in one lovely afternoon. I think she is at least one of the reasons I love knitting.

Do you have a story about learning to knit you would like to share? I will post as many as I can.

Next up, Lynn!
All the best,

Welcome back to the Kiwi Blog!
It is exciting to be reopening this venue with a slightly new focus. Here is a place where we hope you will enjoy sharing expertise, inspiration & learning. We’ll document events and keep you informed. Jill Holbrook has signed on as the blog manager but won’t be the only expert.Kiwi teachers and employees will share their experiences. Jill & I invite you to participate, too. Tell us what you like or dislike, information you’d like to know, and celebrate your successes with us.

I know Jill has something planned to begin our journey but first I thought it would be fun to share pictures from some of the activities of the past couple years:

Christmas 2009 & 2010 – Make-A-Hat Days. This year, we’ll make hats, scarves and mittens for the homeless.

Carolyn’s Felted Bead Workshop

Cast of “Cats” takes classes.

Dyeing Class

Thanks for visiting Kiwi

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