Lorna's Laces is a brand name that many of you have heard of or have seen, and they do some gorgeous yarns that are well loved by fiber addicts all over the world. These amazing yarns are hand-dyed, one by one, in natural fibers. Lynn has brought in six colorways of Lion and Lamb, a 50/50 blend of silk and wool that knits at 4.5 sts per inch, and has 205 yards per skein. If you haven't seen this yarn yet you are in for a treat, as the lush, saturated colors and very touchable 'hand' makes them a true pleasure to work with. I can see these making gorgeous shawls & light winter tops and sweaters.
Araucania Nature Wools have been a staple at Kiwi right from the start, and Lynn has just gotten in some beautiful Multis in worsted weight. You are probably familiar with the variations in color present in the Araucania colorways that Lynn has always carried. The kettle-dying process results in a lovely range of hues that blend together in the knitted fabric to produce subtle color tones. But these Multis are a glorious riot of color that would be delightful in any number of projects. Imagine how wonderful these would be in a felted project, or in winter accessories and sweaters! This 100% wool knits up at 18 sts/4 inches, and has 240 yards per skein.
Two new books that have caught my eye in the shop this past week are Nicky Epstein's 'Knitting Never Felt Better', and Alison Jepson-Hyde's 'Wrapped In Comfort, Knitted Lace Shawls'. I find Nicky Epstein to be incredibly inspirational, this amazingly creative woman seems to be constantly coming out with books that are stuffed with new ideas and patterns. This most recent offering is no different from her usual stunning fare in that in addition to some of her unique patterns that let you put her methods to work, she has so much information about how to make various effects happen that you will find yourself very inspired. Look for classes in the upcoming Kiwi schedule that take advantage of some of these methods.
A while back Lynn experienced one of those life changes that we will all have to experience at some time. Not knowing what to do that would express my sympathy and support, I found myself knitting a cranberry cashmere moebius scarf and suddenly realizing it was meant for Lynn. In certain knitting circles, this counts as 'Alisoning' someone. Alison Jepson-Hyde has gotten a reputation in the knitting world for giving all her knitting to the right person at the right time. Dealing with severe lupus means that she is on a never-ending cycle of hospital visits, medical tests and doctor appointments, and I imagine that she just never has what the rest of us know as a 'good day'. But I have never heard Alison complain. Just the opposite. This woman has a gift for finding beauty in every situation and turning it into knitted lace. It takes someone with Alison's unique outlook on life to always be able to see that someone else has it much rougher than she does, and she is constantly to be found with finished scarves and shawls on hand, waiting to find their rightful owner. Her gifts have touched many lives, and to be suddenly handed a knitted gift has come to be referred to as being Alisoned. I've seen her stories change many knitter's views on giving, and Alisoning someone has passed into our lexicon. Her new book not only contains photos and patterns for her gorgeous lace shawls, but also the inspirational stories of how these pieces came to be. Everyone I know who has bought the book has laughed and cried by turns as they read her stories, and all are now deep into one of her lovely patterns. My disclaimer? I am proud to be called a friend by Alison. In fact, I have been Alisoned by Alison herself! But even considering that, I think you would love to take a look at this book.
Lynn is cooking up the new Kiwi class schedule even as we speak, and next week I will tell you about some of the new classes we have coming up in the next quarter. Be on the look-out towards the end of the month for the new schedule when you drop into the shop.
CLASSES FOR 7/17 - 7/23:
7/17, 10-12: Crochet 101
7-9: Beginning Knitting Series
7/18, 10-12: Needle-Felted Teddy
1-3: Tennis Vest
7/19, 10-12: Knitting Revisited
1-3: Socks Your Way
7/20, 10-12: Making Charts
7/21, 10-12: Lace Socks
7/23, 10-12: Beaded Crochet Purse
1-3: Beginning Knitting Series
1 comment:
Wow. Thank you. To quote Stephanie aka Yarnharlot, "I am not worthy."
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