Sunday, November 17, 2013

Lynn's Peruvian Textile Trip

First Day: This will be a little much but I am just now getting all set up. 

First day in Cusco after 17 hours travel.  Found the Starbucks.  This the view from their balcony showing the Plaza de Armas and beautiful mountains surrounding the city.
Second Day: We had to take it easy to adjust to the high altitude -- 11,100 feet.  But at about 4 PM, we participated in the opening parade down Qoricancha (street name) near the Center for Tradition Textiles of Cusco past the Plaza Dr Arm as to the Convention Center.  
The pictures show the colorful garments of the Peruvian participants.  

As you see - many are helping us learn new skills -- or at least try to learn them!
During these next few days we are attending lectures, weaving and knitting classes.  In each case, there are Peruvian teachers and an English helper/translator.  Back strap weaving was challenging but the chulla knitting class much more fun.  You'll be seeing more of this technique!


This picture is the colorful fountain in the courtyard of the convention center where classes and lectures occur.  Each day before class and after there are tables set up with refreshments and the various groups sell their beautiful textile goods in booths around the edges.
Tomorrow I will get a picture of the market place.
If you want to see even more check out Jim's blog

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