Sunday, May 20, 2012

What inspires you to knit?

Knitting patterns are a common inspiration.There are some fabulous designers and patterns available to knitters. It may be the color that first attracts us to a knitting pattern or just how attractive it looks on the model or maybe the stitch pattern, the garment shape, the structure or the style. Even just one of these may inspire us to knit the whole garment or use just one to design our own.

Another common inspiration is yarn. Are you attracted to color first or the way the yarn feels? Color is what entices me the most. If the color is wonderful and the yarn is soft I cannot resist buying the yarn. Then I have to figure out what to do with it – look for a pattern, make something simple like a scarf or better – a shawl. If I am truly inspired I will design a sweater around the yarn.

Look at these inspiring yarns:
Buttons can be inspiring too. An entire garment or colorway can be built around a button. This is a good exercise even if you don't make the garment.  Or maybe the button is so wonderful you just want a garment to showcase it.

Family, friends and great knitting teachers inspire knitters to make something warm and cuddly or  a gift of love or something fabulous:
Jennifer Urbin Photography

Inspiration is everywhere – the subtle colors in a rock, a sunset, a flower. Advertisements are great places to look for color combinations. So are greeting cards. Look for garment designs in shapes in nature and what people around you are wearing. Movies of any genre are fun to watch for sweaters and interesting clothing. Museums are wonderful for all kinds of inspiration. Interpreting music or emotions into colors or even a garment can be challenging and entertaining.

Looking for inspirations around you can change the way you look at the world.
Cholla Cactus in Bloom in Arizona
Fall on a Pond in Maine

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