Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sooo much Yarn! Soooo much Fun!!!!

Take this photo of the Kiwi Knitting Shop from Christmas - multiply it by a thousand, add lots of people - shop owners, designers, vendors - and wonderful displays of garments and needlework tools and notions and you have The National Needlework Association Trade Show just held in Phoenix. Lynn describes this best:
"As I write this, the staff, teachers and I just returned from our winter trade show at the Phoenix Convention Center where we took classes by some of the best needlework teachers in the country and viewed all the new yarns, tools, and fun accoutrements for needle workers and fiber enthusiasts. Cat Bordhi, Gwen Bortner, Beth Brown-Reinsel were there to name just a few. This was a real treat since the show is usually held in California and only one or two of us can attend. Everyone came home EXCITED with new skills and projects to share with you. Although most of the staff attended only classes, Jill and Carolyn joined me on Sunday for a trip around the trade show floor. Let me warn you about shopping with these two!!! Jill and Desi had attended a “Sample It” event on Friday night so Jill was armed with new tools and yarn that I should investigate and ushered me to several great booths – of course I had to order. On the way across the floor there was eye-candy everywhere – resulting in several other orders. We had so much fun & hope that you will enjoy the new classes and products coming to Kiwi this spring!"

Carolyn and I are still jazzed about everything we saw and the samples we brought home with us. I am spinning the samples of fiber we collected - gorgeous colors: the yarns - fabulous - no time to "taste" these yet. We even have a notebook collection of one skein lace designs by The Fickle Knitter. There are three designs in there I want to knit now! Ask to see patterns the next time you are in the shop. So inspiring to see all of this and take classes too!

And speaking of classes:
One of our Kiwi regulars is going to Cat Bordhi's spring retreat this year. She wanted more after attending Cat's classes here. There are a few spaces still open. Here is the link if you are interested:

Check this blog next week for details on Kiwi's very own Sock Summit the second week in February.

Comments, experiences with knitting conferences, retreats and classes are welcome.

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