Saturday, August 16, 2008

Southwest Fiber Festival

Well, I had planned today to follow up last week's post by showing you some of the wonderful new knitting bags that we have in at Kiwi. However, Blogger doesn't want to play nice with my photos this week. So until I can figure out what its problem is, or until it should miraculously recover from its snit of its own accord, I thought we could talk about an upcoming event.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 25th. The Southwest Fiber Arts Guild will present the Southwest Fiber Festival from 10-5 at the Amado Territory Ranch, about 30 minutes south of Tucson off of I-19 and Arrivaca Rd., exit #48.

The event will appeal to knitters, crocheters, spinners and weavers of all skill levels. Classes will be presented on subjects ranging from making yarn from fabrics, wet-felting classes on flowers and treasure brooches, broadening your spinning techniques and lace-yarn spinning, wire crochet and Kumihimo, hand-painting yarns or warp, hand-painting rovings, needle-felt landscapes and basket weaving.

There will be a skein competition judged in categories such as Fine Singles, Medium to Thick Singles, Fine Plied, Medium Plied, Novelty & Novice Spinner.

Animal exhibits, a fleece competition, shearing demonstrations, door prizes and more should entertain the whole family.

A variety of vendors from the Southern Arizona are as well as from as far away as Colorado and New Mexico will be on hand selling fibers, yarns, buttons, beads, spinning supplies, felting supplies, finished items and more. A great time to start your holiday shopping! Lynn and Kiwi Knitting Co. will be one of the vendors on hand with a variety of fibers for spinners, and I will be selling my felted and embellished items, with my friend and Kiwi customer Monica who will be selling her hand-dyed pre-felts for nuno felters.

This promises to be a very fun day in a gorgeous setting. October in Southern Arizona is a lovely time of year for an outdoor festival centered on our favorite obsessions. So plan to come down and visit the Kiwi booth as well as take advantage of the wonderful classes. I hope to see you there, and please stop by my table as well and introduce yourself!

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